So You Want to Start Working Out at Lunch

Finding time to workout can be one of the biggest challenges for those with busy schedules. Lunch time is often one of the only blocks of free time during a standard workday, which makes it an appealing option for squeezing in a workout. However, there are some things to consider before starting a lunchtime routine. This article will provide tips and strategies for making the most of workouts during your lunch break.

Plan Your Workouts in Advance

The first step is to plan your workouts for the week ahead of time. Taking a few minutes on Sunday to map out your lunchtime routines for the following week will help ensure you stick to it. Consider your schedule and any commitments or meetings that may alter your usual lunch hour. Block out time on your calendar so you don’t double book yourself. It’s also a good idea to plan out exactly what exercises you’ll do each day to stay efficient with your limited time.

Sample Weekly Plan

  • Monday: 30 minutes of cardio like jogging or cycling
  • Tuesday: Full body dumbbell workout
  • Wednesday: 30 minutes yoga or pilates video
  • Thursday: Upper body weight training
  • Friday: Lower body weight training

Having your workouts planned and written down will make it much easier to stay committed when that afternoon slump hits and you’re tempted to skip your routine. Stick to flexible plans that you can modify based on how you’re feeling each day as well.

Pack Your Gear the Night Before

To ensure a smooth transition from your desk to the gym, pack your gym bag or lay out your workout clothes the night before. This includes any equipment you may need like a yoga mat, resistance bands, water bottle, and change of clothes. During a packed workday, the last thing you want is to waste precious minutes scrambling to gather your things last minute. Being prepared makes it effortless to head straight to the gym from your desk at lunchtime.

What to Pack

  • Gym shoes
  • Workout clothes
  • Towel
  • Yoga mat or resistance bands (if needed)
  • Water bottle
  • Change of clothes (optional)
  • Lock for your locker (if needed)

Taking 5 minutes the night before to get organized sets you up for success when the next day rolls around. No last minute stress means a more relaxing lunch break.

Fuel Your Body Properly

Nutrition is another important consideration when planning your lunchtime workouts. Proper fueling before, during, and after exercise is key to getting the most out of your sessions and avoiding crashes in energy levels afterward that impact your afternoon productivity.

Pre-Workout Snacks

For pre-workout fuel 1-2 hours before, focus on easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins to provide sustained energy. Some good options include:

  • Fruit like a banana or apple
  • Yogurt and granola
  • Nut butter on toast
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Protein smoothie

Aim for around 200 calories to boost glycogen stores without sitting too heavily in your stomach. Hydrate as well with water.

During Workouts

For workouts longer than 45 minutes, take a sports drink or water bottle with electrolytes and simple carbs to replenish what you lose through sweat. For shorter sessions, water is usually sufficient.

Post-Workout Recovery

Within 30 minutes after your workout, aim for a balanced meal or snack high in carbohydrates and protein to kickstart muscle recovery and replenish glycogen levels. Some examples are:

  • Greek yogurt with fruit and granola
  • Chicken salad sandwich
  • Tuna or egg salad on whole grain crackers
  • Protein shake supplemented with oats or nuts

Taking the time to fuel properly around workouts is important for maximizing performance and preventing energy crashes later in the day.

Post-Workout Recovery

Within 30 minutes after your workout, aim for a balanced meal or snack high in carbohydrates and protein to kickstart muscle recovery and replenish glycogen levels. Some examples are:

  • Greek yogurt with fruit and granola
  • Chicken salad sandwich
  • Tuna or egg salad on whole grain crackers
  • Protein shake supplemented with oats or nuts

Taking the time to fuel properly around workouts is important for maximizing performance and preventing energy crashes later in the day.

Choose an Efficient Workout Routine

With only 30-60 minutes available, your lunchtime routines need to be targeted and efficient. Focus on compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at once rather than isolating each body part. Here are some great full-body routines that can be completed in 30-45 minutes:

HIIT Circuit

  • 5-10 minutes cardio warm-up
  • Circuit of 5-8 bodyweight exercises like pushups, squats, lunges, done for 30-60 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest between
  • 5 minutes cool down

Bodyweight Strength Workout

  • 10 minutes upper body (pushups, rows, shoulder presses)
  • 10 minutes lower body (squats, lunges, calf raises)
  • 10 minutes core (planks, crunches, bridges)
  • 5 minutes stretch

Dumbbell Training

  • 5 minutes warm-up
  • Circuit of 5 exercises like overhead press, rows, squats, bicep curls, done for 12-15 reps each
  • Repeat circuit 2-3 times
  • 5 minutes cool down

The key is to keep these routines challenging but also very easy to complete within your time frame without a lot of setup or breakdown. Focus on multijoint, full-body movements that elevate your heart rate. Consider using apps for pre-programmed routines as well.

Utilize Your Company Gym Facility

If your workplace has an on-site gym, this makes squeezing in lunchtime routines very convenient. Use these dedicated facilities to your advantage. Many company gyms are less busy at lunch versus before and after work allowing you more machine and weight options. Check group fitness class schedules too – some offer midday yoga, dance, or spinning classes. Knowing your company gym’s amenity offerings and schedules helps optimize convenience. Don’t forget to bring your employee keycard or ID.

Look for Perks

Does your workplace gym provide:

  • Lockers for securing items while working out?
  • Towel service so you don’t have to pack your own?
  • Showers to freshen up post-workout?
  • On-site trainers for occasional personalized workout plans?

Taking advantage of any perks or amenities specific to your company gym facility can save both time and hassle with your lunchtime workouts.

Overcome Potential Roadblocks

While working out at lunch has many benefits, there may be some initial challenges to work through as you establish it as a regular habit. Here are some potential roadblocks and how to overcome them:

Lack of Willpower

Motivation Dips

  • Try new workout classes or change up your routine to keep things interesting
  • Track your progress with an app to see improvements overtime

Tight Deadlines

Guilt Over Taking Lunch Breaks

  • Research shows breaks improve focus and productivity longterm
  • Set an out of office message so colleagues don’t interrupt you

With some planning and perseverance, you can easily build new habits around prioritizing your health even on a busy work schedule. Be patient with slips as creating routine takes time.

Make the Most of Your Lunch Breaks

Starting to workout during lunch takes effort but provides many benefits like improved mood, focus and stress management to carry you through your afternoons. With some preparation and choosing efficient routines, you’ll find it’s very doable to reap these rewards even on a tight schedule. Use these tips to optimize your time to the fullest and feel energized for the rest of your workday. Consistency is key, so be sure to stick with a routine that works sustainably for you in the long run.

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