Elliptical Machine 90 minute Workout for Weight Loss and Fitness

Using an elliptical machine for 90 minutes allows you to get in an intense full body workout that will boost your metabolism and help burn fat. The elliptical is a low impact cardio machine that is easy on your joints while still providing an efficient calorie burning exercise. In this article, we will breakdown a complete 90 minute elliptical workout that incorporates different intervals, intensities, durations, and progressions to keep your body constantly challenged.

Warm Up (10 minutes)

Every good workout should start with a warm up to gradually increase your heart rate and blood flow before really pushing your body. For the first 10 minutes, set your elliptical machine to level 3-4 intensity and maintain a steady pace without sprinting or going extremely slow. Take this time to find a comfortable stride and allow your muscles to activate before the more intense intervals to come.

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Interval 1 (10 minutes at level 6-7 intensity)

After warming up, it’s time to pick up the pace. Over the next 10 minutes, increase the incline or resistance on your elliptical to level 6-7 intensity. This should have your heart rate elevated into the fat burning zone. Stick to this level of exertion for the full 10 minutes without slowing down to catch your breath. Going hard for this interval will maximize calorie and fat burn.

Interval 2 (8 minutes at level 8-9 intensity)

Now things get even tougher. After the first interval, take the incline or resistance on your elliptical up another notch to level 8-9 intensity. This interval is designed to push your cardiovascular limits and really get you working. Maintain this steeper incline for 8 full minutes. Your legs may be starting to burn at this point but keep pushing through the challenge.

Active Recovery (5 minutes at level 4-5 intensity)

Time for a brief recovery period to bring your heart rate back down without fully resting. For 5 minutes, reduce the incline or resistance back down to level 4-5 on your elliptical. Take this time to hydrate and catch your breath a bit before jumping back into another challenging interval.

Interval 3 (10 minutes – 1 minute hard, 1 minute moderate)

This next 10 minute interval uses intervals within your interval for an advanced training effect. For 1 minute straight, crank the elliptical back up to a level 8-9 intensity sprint. Then for the next 1 minute, lower it back down to a moderate level 6-7 intensity. Repeat this 1 minute hard/1 minute moderate pattern for the full 10 minutes. This interval training technique keeps your body constantly adapting to new challenges.

Interval 4 (12 minutes – 2 minutes hard, 1 minute moderate)

The intervals get longer now to push you even harder. Sprint at a level 8-9 intensity for 2 full minutes. Then recover at a moderate 6-7 intensity for 1 minute. Repeat this 2 minute hard/1 minute moderate pattern for 12 total minutes. Your legs should really be burning now but stay focused on completing the interval.

Active Recovery (5 minutes at level 4 intensity)

Another brief 5 minute active recovery period on the elliptical at an easy level 4 intensity is called for before the final big push. Stay moving but allow your heart rate to lower down from the previous challenging interval.

Final Push (15 minutes at level 7-8 intensity)

It’s all led up to this final 15 minute push to cross the finish line of your 90 minute full body workout. For the last quarter of your time on the elliptical, aim to maintain a very challenging resistance or incline between levels 7-8. Dig deep now and remember all the hard work you put in during the intervals leading up to this point. Push through any fatigue and really finish strong right up until the timer goes off at 90 minutes.

Cool Down (10 minutes at level 2-3 intensity)

Once complete, take 10 minutes to cool down and fully bring your heart rate and breathing back to normal. Ease off the resistance or incline on your elliptical down to a very light level 2-3 intensity. Slow your pace and allow your muscles to relax after an intense full body session.


An entire 90 minutes of consistent movement on the elliptical machine is a very effective way to boost your metabolism and challenge your cardiovascular system. Using intervals, varying intensities, and periodic active recoveries prevents boredom and constantly challenges your body with new stimuli. Sticking to this full workout routine 2-3 times per week can produce serious fat loss and fitness results over time. Be sure to stretch afterwards and drink plenty of water to maximize benefit and avoid soreness from the challenging intervals. With discipline and consistency, the elliptical machine provides an easy low-impact option for obtaining your fitness and weight loss goals.

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