The 10 Best Hamstring Exercises to Strengthen Your Legs

Your hamstrings are one of the most important muscle groups in your lower body. They are located on the back of your thighs and help with activities like running, jumping, and lifting. Keeping your hamstrings strong can help prevent injuries to the knees and lower back. This can also improve postures. Here are 10 of the best hamstring exercises you can do to help strengthen these important muscles.

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1. Hamstring Curls

The hamstring curl is a classic exercise that targets the hamstrings very effectively. To do this exercise, lie face down on an exercise bench or floor with your legs hanging off the end. Bend one leg up towards your glutes while keeping the other straight and resting on the floor. Slowly lower your bent leg back down in a controlled motion. Focus on feeling the stretch in your hamstrings as you lower and the contraction as you curl back up. Aim is 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 rep for each leg. You can make this exercise more challenging by holding dumbbells or using a exercise machine. This isolating movement focuses the work directly on your hamstrings.

2. Leg Curls

Another very effective hamstring exercise is the leg curl. For this one you will need an exercise machine that allows you to lie face up with your knees bent and your feet secured under a weighted platform or strap. From this starting position, curl both legs up towards your glutes simultaneously, squeezing your hamstrings at the top. Slowly lower back down in a controlled motion. The machine takes tension off your lower back so you can focus purely on contracting your hamstrings. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. As with the hamstring curls, this isolating movement targets the hamstrings directly. You can increase or decrease weight as needed to challenge your muscles effectively.

3. Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is a great full body exercise that places extra emphasis on the hamstrings. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hinging at the hips to lower your torso forward until it is nearly parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and lower the weight by pushing your hips back and bending at the knees slightly. Imagine pulling the weights up your legs as you hinge forward. Slowly reverse the motion to return to the starting position by driving through your heels. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps with a barbell or dumbbells. By hinging at the hips rather than bending at the waist, you effectively target the hamstrings during both the lowering and lifting phases.

4. Glute Ham Raises

The glute ham raise targets both the hamstrings and glutes very intensely. You will need access to an exercise bench or machine that allows you to hang your torso underneath with arms extended and knees bent at a 90 degree angle. From this position, drive your heels up towards the ceiling by extending your knees while keeping your torso stationary. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings fully at the top before lowering back down in a controlled motion. Go slowly through the full range of motion to really feel the stretch and contraction in both muscle groups. Start with 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps as this exercise is quite challenging.

5. Single Leg Hamstring Curl

Working one leg at a time takes tension off the lower back and allows you to really focus on each hamstring individually. Sit on the floor with one leg extended out in front of you and the other bent with the sole of the foot flat on the floor. While stabilizing with your hands behind your hips, curl the straight leg up towards your glutes by bending the knee. Lower slowly back down in control. Aim for 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 rep for each leg. Take it slowly to feel the targeted contraction in each hamstring muscle. This movement also improves balance and coordination.

6. Walking Lunges

Lunges are a great full body exercise that effectively challenge the hamstrings. Stand with feet together and take a large step forward with one leg, lowering both knees till they form 90 degree angles. Drive back up through the front heel to return to the starting position, then repeat on the other side in a continuous walking motion. Go slowly and focus on lowering your body straight down rather than out in front to engage the hamstrings. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 lunges per leg. Hold dumbbells at your hands to increase the aggressiveness. Walking lunges simulate a natural movement pattern to strengthen the hamstrings for daily activities.

7. Back Leg Elevated Split Squats

The back leg elevated split squat provides extra hamstring emphasis compared to a regular split squat. Stand in a staggered stance with one foot in front of the other, placing the back foot on a bench or box a couple feet behind you. Lower your body straight down until the back knee nearly touches the floor. Drive back up to the starting position, keeping your torso upright. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps per side. The elevated back leg challenges the hamstring of that leg to counterbalance your bodyweight, making this a very effective exercise. Hold dumbbells at your sides to increase intensity.

8. Good Mornings

The good morning targets the entire back side of your body including the hamstrings. Stand with bottoms shoulder- breadth piecemeal, gripping a barbell or dumbbells in front of your shanks. Keeping your back straight, hips pushed back and knees slightly bent, hinge at the hips to lower your torso forward until it is nearly parallel to the floor. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings as you rise back to the starting position by reversing the movement. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps. The lowered position combined with the weighted resistance challenges the hamstrings to help lift your body back up.

9. Swiss Ball Leg Curls

The swiss ball brings an added balance challenge to the classic hamstring curl exercise. Lie on your back with your legs up on a swiss ball so your body forms a tabletop position. Roll the ball slowly towards you by raising your hips and contracting your hamstrings. Pause at the top, then lower back down in control. Adjust the speed of movement based on your balance abilities. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. Hold your arms out to your sides to help with stability. Using the unstable swiss ball engages your core to help you balance as you isolate the muscles in your hamstrings.

10. Kickbacks

For the kickback exercise you will begin on all fours with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Extend one leg straight back behind you, raising just off the floor, and kick it back as if pedaling a bicycle. Squeeze your hamstring at the top of the movement before lowering back down in control. Repeat for the desired number of reps on each leg. Go slowly to really feel the contraction in each hamstring muscle fiber. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps per leg. Keep your back straight and torso stationary for isolation.


Incorporating a variety of the hamstring exercises outlined above into your routine 2-3 times per week will effectively challenge and strengthen these important leg muscles. Be sure to warm up thoroughly before hamstring work and pay attention to form to avoid injury. It’s also important to pair hamstring exercises with other lower body exercises like hip thrusts, squats, lunges and calf raises, to achieve balanced lower body development. With dedication and consistency, these best hamstring exercises will have your legs looking and feeling stronger in no time.

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